Text: Matt.5:14-16


The importance of light and darkness is dramatically presented in the opening sentences of the biblical record.

In response to the darkness that was over the surface of the deep (Gen.1:2), God spoke and light came into being. In the Hebrew language, light and darkness are evocative (i.e having imaginative associations). Darkness evokes:

– Everything that is anti – God –Joh.8:12

– The wicked – Prov.2:13

– Judgment – Exo.10:21

– Death – Psm.88:12 e.t.c

Light on the other hand is the first of the creator’s work– a manifestation of divine undertaking. It is often used metaphorically to describe:

– Life – Psm.56:13

– Salvation – Isa.9:2

– The commandments – Prov.6:23

– The presence of God – Exo.10:23

– Something God – Gen.1:3 e.t.c


The operation of light is multi and varied. For the purpose of this discussion, we will look at, at least seven (7). They are:

1. Every Light has a source – Gen.1:1-3, Matth.5:14-16, Eph.2:10, John 1:8-9

2. If connected to a power source, light can continue to shine indefinitely – John 15:1-7, Acts 1:8

3. Light operates by being itself, i.e shine! – Matth.5:14-, John 12:36, 1Thess.5:5

4. Light has a direction and always runs in it – Hab.2:2-3

5. All light maintain their shine even in the midst of other/greater lights – Eph.5:8, Matth.5:13

6. Light always stands or hangs on something to shine – Relationships – Matth.5:15, Acts 11:22-26

7. Light always has opposition but keeps shining inspite of – 1Cor.16:9, 1Thess.2:18, 1Tim.1:18-19, 6:12

People are important; they deserve to be treated with respect.

People are helpful only if we know how to manage them.

Everyone no matter how endowed, need people in their lives.

We were all created for relationship.

No man is an island everybody needs somebody someday, sometime.


1. People are like icons on the desktop of our PC’S.We can never guess how much people carry inside their folders until we take time to access them for their worth. Don’t write off anyone just yet. Whether they are ‘able or ‘disable.’ Why? Rev. Jessy Jackson says: “The able have their abilities revealed and their disabilities concealed, while the disabled have their disabilities revealed and their abilities concealed.” In the light of this therefore, one may be mistaking to promote a seemingly able person in his organization as against a disabled.

2. People are like books that come in several editions in different generations. It takes discipline to read and a greater discipline to understand. Reading only the first edition of a book that has an 8th edition, can lead to faulty conclusions. Because a lot may have changed in terms of editing, facts, etc. Similarly, what you know of a man today may not be true tomorrow so in managing people endeavor to study and understand them in their different editions.

3. People are like trees, they are first seeds that need to be planted, and nurtured. Then follows tending, watering and cultivation to grow. All of these take time. So in managing people we need patience knowing that we all can’t assimilate and relate at the same level at the same time.


D- Never DESPISE people

I- Never IGNORE people

N- Never NEGLECT people

The story is told of a man who stammers who applied for the position of a salesman. But his apparent ‘disadvantage’ worked out for his good as people who could not endure his stuttering, just paid for the product to avoid wasting time in trying to understand what he meant to say. He sold more than those who were able bodied. So, never despise, ignore or neglect people.


A- Appreciate but don’t ATTACK

C- Complement and don’t COMPETE

T- Tolerate and don’t IRRITATE

Dr. Udoh
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