TEXT: Isaiah 55: 10-11, 2Tim.3:16


In all the universe there is nothing as powerful as the word of God. Whenever God speaks things happen – Gen.1:3. When God says he will do a thing. It will be dome. You can see this throughout the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation. All through we see the power of God’s word at work. Through the word of God, God’s purpose is accomplished in our lives and experiences.

In this lesson, based on our key text we want to examine certain characteristics that the word of God possesses that makes it powerful.
1. God’s word cannot fail – Isaiah 55:10-11

i. Whenever rain falls, no matter how dried or parched the ground is, it is refresh and you find fresh grasses springing forth. The word of God also refreshes. Rain brings forth fruit and life. So also is the word of God it never stops to bring forth the life of God.
ii. The word of God is absolute, it is not relative. It never changes, it never fails. Whatever God says in His word, He means it – Num.23:19, Mark 13:31. God does not speak today and tomorrow change His mind

2. From Isaiah 55:10-11 we see another characteristic of the word of God. It cannot return void. It is full of life.
i. Rain is an essential commodity that heaven gives to the earth. In regions where drought has been experienced, human, animal and plant life have been greatly affected.
There is no such thing as ‘useless rain’. Each time it pours on the earth, it always accomplishes good things.
ii. God’s word is like the rain. It always accomplishes its purpose. It cannot return void. Void in the original text means “empty-handed.” God’s word is not empty promises.
iii. As the rain infuses life into a withered plant the word of God will infuse you with the life of God and refresh your spirit. – Job 14:7-10

3. God’s word will cause your life to produce fruit and fulfill God’s purpose (Ps.1:1-3)
i. No tree or plant can produce fruit without water.
ii. Likewise the word of God is necessary for your life to bring forth fruit
iii. When your life produces fruit, it brings honour to God. (John 15:16)



i. God created the heavens and the earth by his word Gen.1:1-3, Heb.11:3
When God spoke the word in creation, He created something out of nothing through the power of His word. This creative work was accomplished through the power of the Lord Jesus Christ.

ii. The word of God is still carrying that power and it is around you ready to work just as the angel told Mary Lk.1:35-36. The creative power of the word came to Elizabeth and she that was called barren is six month with child. all you need to do is to open up for the word to enter you life because he is watching over His word and it will be performed. – Isa.55:10-11

iii. As the creator, God not only created everything but also continues to hold it together by the power of His word. So if there are contrary situation in your life, look for the appropriate word that addresses the situation and let the word deal with it. The word of God still has that creative power – This is why you can believe God to continue to do new things today, even in the personal details of your daily life.

iv. God’s word brings salvation in the new creation – John1:1-4
a. Just as God brought all things into being through His word, so He brings salvation to those who believe in Him through Jesus, who is the word. Through Jesus the Father has accomplished the great work of salvation. So it is not by what you can do, it is what Jesus has done.
b. When you look at and listen to Jesus, you are seeing and hearing what the father wants you to know regarding Him (John 14:9-11)
c. The power of God’s word creates faith to trust Jesus. Without it, no one would ever turn to God. – Rom.10:12
d. God gives the believer a new life and heart through faith in Christ Jesus which comes through His world – Ps.51:10

The word of God is the only agent in the whole of creation that can penetrate the heart of a person. Nothing else can divide between a person’s soul and spirit. And until the word of God penetrates your life, you will continue to be controlled more by emotions rather than by the promise of God’s word.



There are five main symbols of the word of God.

1. Light is a symbol of God’s word –Psm.119:105
i. God’s word brings illumination and revelation, it reveals the truth about Jesus, and this truth sets man free –John 8:31-32
ii. God’s word also brings guidance and direction –John 8:12

2. Water is a symbol of the word of God –Eph.5:25-27
Water brings cleansing and the word of God can act in this way in your life.
The word of God also gives life and it can do just that in your life. –Job.14:7-10.
If you live open to the word and allow it to challenge you, you will be changed through its power into the holy person that God wants you to become.

3. Seed is a symbol of the word of God. –Lk.8:4-15
In the parable of the tower, the seed is the word of God –vs 11
Its purpose is to bring growth and fruitfulness into the lives of those who hear and receive it (vs 15).

4. Fire and hammer are symbols of God’s word –Jer.23:29
The word of God can be very strong if that is what is needed. God doesn’t always speak in a still small voice 1Kings19:11-13, but rather He can speak like a hammer and like fire because of a person’s willful disobedience or hardness of heart.

5. Honey is a symbol of God’s word –Psm.19:7-11
It is used to promote healing. It is soothing and it turns bitterness to sweetness. The father allows breaking in order to heal and make whole. But you can be sure that he will never leave you broken.
The word of God brings healing and health to your spirit and life. Once the right word for a situation is located, the joy one will experience, knows no limit. Any one who lives in the strength and power of God’s word will find wholeness of spirit and the sweetness of God’s Joy. (Psm.119:103).

Dr. Udoh
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