HIS GOODNESS (IV) – Appointed Time

TOPIC: Appointed Time

Text: 2Kings 7:1-7


For every promises, every prophecy and for every dream there is an appointed time. That is to say there is an appointed time for that word, prophecy or dream to be manifested.

Our text tells us of a famine condition that existed and is in the midst of a famine condition, the man of God speaks a word of promise that has attached to it a time frame.

When a seed is sown, there is a process that the seed goes through before there can be a harvest. If it is kept in the ground and properly cared for there will be a harvest. An important lesson that we as believers must learn is how to wait on God.

* When we get a word or prophecy from God most time we want it to happen the next day and if it doesn’t we get concerned, 3month, 6months, 1 year e.t.c. we even think that God has forgotten about us or it was wishful thinking. – Ps.105:19 “Until the time that has word came: the word of the Lord tried him”
Joseph had a word from God (dream) and that word from God tested him.
In other words, he was tested by time to see if he would hold to that word (dream) or if he would forsake it.

* Time is a great sifter through which all of our dreams must pass.
Time test out faith, it challenges us to prove whether we believe God or not.
It is critical what we do during our waiting time.
For every pregnancy, there is the period of carriage 9month so also we must carry the word of the Lord in our spiritual womb until the appointed time.

* Lots of people want to give birth but they haven’t really gotten pregnant
You have to first get pregnant with the promise of God.
It is possible to have a word for a long time and not get pregnant.
You don’t get pregnant by hearing the word once. The word has to get into your spirit, it has to affect the way you think, the way you talk, the way you walk. (Compare to a pregnant woman)

When you get pregnant with the word, you start out growing certain things. You are not satisfied with things the way they are, there is a divine discontent and divine dissatisfaction that grows in you. You have an expectation of something greater and this makes you uncomfortable where you are.

In our passage for today, God gave a word concerning a turn around, God established an appointed time (where there has been lack, there is going to be abundance)

For those who believe, – there was great joy. But the truth is that in the natural nothing changed when the word was spoken – in fact thing got worse to the point of cannibalism. (They eat their own children)

* When every natural evidence disputed the word of God from all visible evidence it looked as if it was getting worse instead of better.

All of a sudden the report came from four (4) lepers outside the gate, that there was food in abundance, and in an instant the famine was broken and the word of God was manifested at the appointed time according to the word of the prophet.

Something to Note
While everything inside the city was getting worse and every natural evidence was disputing and defying the word of God.
– God was working outside the city gate.

* Just before your breakthrough manifest, you are likely to experience the greatest contradiction to your promise. At this point like the pregnant women, it is time to push.
It is time to praise like you have never praised
Pray like you have never prayed and confess the promises of God and stand on the word and declare the faithfulness of God.

This is a critical time, became during this time many may abort their promise.

They have come to their appointed time, but everything looks worse than ever, and many begin to believe what they see, hear and feel in the natural and they abort the promise of God.

Gal.6:9 “Let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap if we faint not”

Faint means: To loosen, dissolve, to crack, to break down,

You can actually come to your appointed time, be in your season for manifestation and because you faint, you abort the promises.

The children of Israel in the wilderness
Numbers 14 – They were at the border of the promise land but instead of pushing through to the birth of their promise, they aborted it

Beloved – if it seems that all hell is broken loose against you, you ought to praise the Lord, because that is the greatest evidence there is that you are on the verge of manifestation. Your appointed time is come and there is no time for fainting push through till you breakthrough in this year of His Goodness.

Dr. Udoh
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