TEXT: Matt.16:18, IITim.2:14-25 (NIV)


The church of Jesus Christ, cannot be subdued or defeated by persecution or any form of external aggression. However, through internal weakness or subversion (such as was the case in the dark ages from AD 250-AD1400) the church can be weakened and rendered in effective, which could result in the demise of such a gathering or body of believers if nothing is done.

To avoid such situations many warnings were given in the writings of Apostles Paul and Peter. It is always better to prevent this situation; as it is said that “Prevention is better than cure” and “To before warned is to be fore armed”
In my study, I have identified a number of things that can lead to the above and have chosen to discuss them under five broad headings i.e:-

Indifference/Apathy/ Insensitivity
Lack of Sound Doctrine

Acts 9:31
Rest = Greek – EIRENE i.e

Harmonious relationship between people
Friendliness, freedom from molestation
Proper order

This produces the following in church

Edification i.e Being built up i.e
Spiritual growth
Strengthened ,Desire to know God more
Opportunities to the taught.

Walking in the fear of God i.e
Loving God and His people more plus Humility.

Comfort of the Holy Spirit i.e

Filled with the Spirit
Controlled by the Spirit
Revelations of God by the Spirit

Multiplication – this is the natural result of the above where there is:
Love and oneness among members
Church folks desiring to be more like Jesus and
Are controlled by the Holy Spirit,
The world will notice them and take them serious – Acts 4:13; 11:26

In order to spoil or ruin the church, the devil comes to play divide and rule to subvert this Harmony or oder e.g

In the Garden of Eden – made Eve to change roles with Adam
The church in the wilderness. He used:
Gossip – Num.12
Miriam and Aaron Gossiped about Moses, resulting in a breach

Indifference/Apathy – Num.13;14:1-14
The 10 spies came with evil report turned the heart of the people against God and Moses, this is what he does through insensitivity, apathy or indifference, making people to turn away from following God or leave His agenda and pursue theirs. He turns the heart of the people away from God or His servants.

Sin – Num.14:10-45
people sin, cutting God’s presence and the devil takes over
No prayers can be made or offered

Disloyalty – Num.16
Disloyalty, bitterness and strife sets in

James 3:16 – KJV & NIV

Lack of sound doctrine –Num.16:41-50;17:1-13
Because of Greed and unforgiveness, they refused the sound doctrine they had giving room for more calamity.

From the above, in creating disharmony among brethren to spoil church, the devil sows:

Gossip – spreading rumors – Prov.20:19,Eze.36:3,Rom.1:29

Strife – contention struggles/fight –verbal, emotional or physical –Prov.13:10;17:19
Stirring up problems among brethren Prov.17:1; Isa.54:15

Bitterness – Cruel bitting words

Wickedness or being dangerous to brethren
Wishing evil for another

Acts 8:23, Heb.12:15

Lack or willingness to forgive another
Confirmed anger
Deliberate or settled determination for revenge or do hurt to another
God hates it – Matth. 5:44-45;Lu.11:4; Col.3:8-14

Where are you and what is your contribution to this church.

Dr. Udoh
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