TEXTS: Isaiah 37:31, Amos: 3:3, Hosea 12:13


You need relationship to enhance your depth and you need relationship to remain high –up.

Success or failure in life is essentially a matter of human relationships. The deadly sin in our relationship with people is that we take them for granted. All of life’s successes come from initiating relationships with the right people and then strengthening those relationships by using good people skills.

Good relationships are more than just the icing on the cake in life. They are the cake – John Maxwell

In all my close to two decades of working both in secular and ministry, I have discovered that ability to manage people is a prerequisite to success in all endeavours of life.

One relationship one should not take for granted is with the prophet or man of God. “By a prophet the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt and by a prophet was he preserved” Hosea 12:13

One of the greatest investment you can make in life is to be under a man of influence. Most of things we struggle for in life can be contacted with ease if we connect ourselves to grace carrier.

For us to benefit from this prophetic helping hands we must:

[A] Sow seed into the life of the man of God. You can stay close to a man of God for years, if there is no sowing, there will be no transfer of grace or anointing.

In 1 Kings 17: 9 –15. The widow of Zarephath sowed into the life of prophet of God, Elijah and her life never remained the same.

[B] Serve the man of God:- II Kings 3 : 11 “But Jehoshaphat said, is there not here a prophet of the Lord that we may inquire of the Lord by him? And one of the King of Israel’s servants answered and said, there is Elisha the son of Shaphat which poured water on the hands of Elijah”.

Elisha served the prophet of God faithfully and he got the double portion of Elijah’s anointing.

[C] Submit to higher authority:
Without submission, anointing cannot be transferred. One of the secrets to remain connected to higher anointing and grace is the power of submission.

In Ruth 1: 15 – 17. Ruth was committed to stay with her mother –in-law, Naomi, and that changed the story of her life. A nobody become listed in the genealogy of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Relationship is very important in gaining depths for the following reasons:

1] In the journey of life, there is little one person can achieve alone. “One is too small a number to achieve greatness”

“You can do what I cannot do. I can do what you cannot do. Together we can do great things”. Mother Teresa

2] When you are in good relationship, you lose nothing. “A candle loses nothing when it lights another candle” – Thomas Jefferson.

3] When you understand the power of relationship, you help yourself to grow. “Work well with others to help them achieve their own victories, yours will follow”. No man becomes rich unless he enriches others” Andrew Carnegie.

4] In good relationships, the Joy of being together is enough.

Brethren, lets cultivate the habit of investing in relationship. 90{d308dd1122ada760554eb7d8ee0b8b5fb479c31e12a1d6ca3836f154bcc822bd} of people fail in life not because they are not intelligent, but because they cannot manage people or handle relationship well.

Dr. Udoh
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