The Place of Fasting & Prayer In Business

Text: Isa.58, Matt.6


Fasting and prayer is the greatest spiritual discipline for seeking God’s intervention.
Combined with prayers they together make up the most critical weapon of spiritual warfare and deliverance in our lives
While we cannot manipulate God to fulfill our desires exactly as laid out to Him – fasting always moves God to fulfill his intended will in any matter.

Simply put, fasting is giving up something in order to receive something, which is from God. God honours sacrifice

It is not a tool to win God’s audience
It is not an exchange of sacrifice in order to win a blasting
It is not giving up a so that God speak to us.
Fasting and prayer does not change God. It is rather a means of bring the flesh to into submission to God’s will.
For us as believers is business, fasting is not optional – it is an essential Christian discipline. Matt.6- Jesus placed fasting on the same level of expected performance as prayer and giving of alms… “And when you fast …” not ‘if’
In Matt.17:21 when his disciples asked Him why they ‘could not cast out the demon. Jesus’ reply was “…this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.
By this, He told us that there is spiritual power in prayer and fasting that can’t be obtained any other way.

The scripture teaches us to fast and pray.
It puts you in the best possible position for breakthrough – spiritual, physical, emotional intellectual e.t.c.

Benefits of fasting as seen Isa.58

Breaks the bands of wickedness
Heavy burdens are lifted
The oppressed go free
Health springs forth speedily
The glory of the Lord protects us.
The Lord guides us continually.

All these can be safely put as:

Fasting makes things happen
In Luk.2:37-38 Anna had been fasting before she got to see baby Jesus.
In Act.10:30 we find corn lives the Roman was fasting when he received the vision that told him to seed for Peter
Act.13:1-4 The church was engaged in fasting and prayer when Paul and Barnabas got their commission as apostles

Old Testament Examples
In 2Chr.20 All Israel fasted and prayed and the strategy to win the battle without having to fight was delivered to them.
Haman the enemy of Israel was hanged on the gallon after Israel fasted in the book of Esther.
Daniel received his great vision after a 3week fast.
Moses received the law after a 40days fast.
As business men and women, responsibility is laid on us to move our business is the right direction and release what God has for us. Failure to fast and pray for our business with have great and devastating impact on our business. Ecct. And the case of Esau.

Dr. Udoh
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