1. All my blessings that have been captured and transferred by witchcraft spirits in 2008, be released now by fire in the name of Jesus Christ.

2. All my blessings that have been captured and transferred by ancestral strongmen and women in 2008, be released now by fire in the name of Jesus.

3. All my blessings that have been captured and transferred by satanic horsemen at the gate, be released now by fire in the name of Jesus.

4. All my blessings that have been captured and diverted by familiar spirits, be released now by fire in the name of Jesus.

5. All my blessings that have been captured and buried by envious enemies and unfriendly friends, be released now by fire in the name of Jesus.

6. All my blessings that have been captured by spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places, be released now by fire in the name of Jesus.

7. All my blessings that have been captured by evil, marine powers, be released now by fire in the name of Jesus.

8. All my divine benefits that have been arrested by principalities in 2008, be released immediately in the mighty name of Jesus.

9. All my divine benefits confiscated by rulers of darkness in 2008 be released now, now, now in the mighty name of Jesus.

10. I release the blood of Jesus into my career, family, business, finances, marriage, health in Jesus name.

11. Every cycle of hardship in my life break in Jesus’ name.

12. Every power discouraging my helper loose you power in Jesus name.

13. I refuse to be a beggar in the market of life in Jesus’ name.

14. Every blockade working against my breakthrough scatter in Jesus’ name.

15. Every invisible ink on my life making it impossible for good things to locate me, be wiped off by the blood of Jesus.

16. Every evil manipulation from my place of blessing scatter and never regroup in Jesus name.

17. Angels of God roll away every stone of limitation against my life, home, children etc.

18. Every satanic power rewinding the clock of my greatness catch fire and be destroyed in Jesus’ name.

19. Let the doors of worldwide breakthrough open up to me in Jesus name.

20. The spirit of disfavor loose your grip over my life in Jesus’ name.

21. Fire of God deal with every root of misfortune in my life in Jesus’ name.

22. Torrents of problem targeted against my life in 2009 back to sender in Jesus’ name.

23. In 2009 I shall encounter and experience full scale goodness in Jesus’ name.

Dr. Udoh
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